92 research outputs found

    Large unavoidable subtournaments

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    Let DkD_k denote the tournament on 3k3k vertices consisting of three disjoint vertex classes V1,V2V_1, V_2 and V3V_3 of size kk, each of which is oriented as a transitive subtournament, and with edges directed from V1V_1 to V2V_2, from V2V_2 to V3V_3 and from V3V_3 to V1V_1. Fox and Sudakov proved that given a natural number kk and Ο΅>0\epsilon > 0 there is n0(k,Ο΅)n_0(k,\epsilon ) such that every tournament of order n0(k,Ο΅)n_0(k,\epsilon ) which is Ο΅\epsilon -far from being transitive contains DkD_k as a subtournament. Their proof showed that n0(k,Ο΅)β‰€Ο΅βˆ’O(k/Ο΅2)n_0(k,\epsilon ) \leq \epsilon ^{-O(k/\epsilon ^2)} and they conjectured that this could be reduced to n0(k,Ο΅)β‰€Ο΅βˆ’O(k)n_0(k,\epsilon ) \leq \epsilon ^{-O(k)}. Here we prove this conjecture.Comment: 9 page

    Forbidding intersection patterns between layers of the cube

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    A family AβŠ‚P[n]{\mathcal A} \subset {\mathcal P} [n] is said to be an antichain if AβŠ‚ΜΈBA \not \subset B for all distinct A,B∈AA,B \in {\mathcal A}. A classic result of Sperner shows that such families satisfy ∣Aβˆ£β‰€(n⌊n/2βŒ‹)|{\mathcal A}| \leq \binom {n}{\lfloor n/2\rfloor}, which is easily seen to be best possible. One can view the antichain condition as a restriction on the intersection sizes between sets in different layers of P[n]{\mathcal P} [n]. More generally one can ask, given a collection of intersection restrictions between the layers, how large can families respecting these restrictions be? Answering a question of Kalai, we show that for most collections of such restrictions, layered families are asymptotically largest. This extends results of Leader and the author.Comment: 16 page

    Forbidden vector-valued intersections

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    We solve a generalised form of a conjecture of Kalai motivated by attempts to improve the bounds for Borsuk's problem. The conjecture can be roughly understood as asking for an analogue of the Frankl-R\"odl forbidden intersection theorem in which set intersections are vector-valued. We discover that the vector world is richer in surprising ways: in particular, Kalai's conjecture is false, but we prove a corrected statement that is essentially best possible, and applies to a considerably more general setting. Our methods include the use of maximum entropy measures, VC-dimension, Dependent Random Choice and a new correlation inequality for product measures.Comment: 40 page

    Forbidding a Set Difference of Size 1

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    How large can a family \cal A \subset \cal P [n] be if it does not contain A,B with |A\setminus B| = 1? Our aim in this paper is to show that any such family has size at most \frac{2+o(1)}{n} \binom {n}{\lfloor n/2\rfloor }. This is tight up to a multiplicative constant of 22. We also obtain similar results for families \cal A \subset \cal P[n] with |A\setminus B| \neq k, showing that they satisfy |{\mathcal A}| \leq \frac{C_k}{n^k}\binom {n}{\lfloor n/2\rfloor }, where C_k is a constant depending only on k.Comment: 8 pages. Extended to include bound for families \cal A \subset \cal P [n] satisfying |A\setminus B| \neq k for all A,B \in \cal

    Random walks on quasirandom graphs

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    Let G be a quasirandom graph on n vertices, and let W be a random walk on G of length alpha n^2. Must the set of edges traversed by W form a quasirandom graph? This question was asked by B\"ottcher, Hladk\'y, Piguet and Taraz. Our aim in this paper is to give a positive answer to this question. We also prove a similar result for random embeddings of trees.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure
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